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Charcoal Portrait of Domile

Academical Charcoal Portrait of Lithuanian Girl Domile” Technique: charcoal, pastel, paper, 60 x 50 cm, 2012 © Le-Za donski

When I was in Nida in the summer of 2011, it came to my mind to that in winter I could make an interesting art-project with portraits of local girls of Nida. I talked to some of them and they agreed to be “models” for these project. As they could not to be “models in nature”, I made photos of their faces – to have materials for my winter work. The name of that art-project should be “The Beauties of Nida 2012”.

The idea was first to make charcoal portraits from these photos, and after that to make big paintings on canvas from these charcoal drawings – not from the photos. That condition of having only drawings as a material for portraits was necessary because I wanted to do not realistic portraits, but portraits based on reality. There is a slight difference between these two terms. When photos are excluded from painting process, then your imagination works not restricted by mistakes of reality and if succeeded you can get the quintessence of the portraying person’s soul. That was an idea. At present only three charcoal portraits are made. I hope to begin to work on canvas soon. Stay tuned. :)

Very few people has nice profiles of their faces, which could be put on medals and coins. This young lady has it. And this very nice profile of her face I tried to draw as her portrait. I heard that portrait where portraying person is depicted in profile, is the most difficult of all kinds of portraits. So it was not easy to work with it but I tried to make this artwork as good as I can.

2012 April 09
